- Collection of Hans G. Kugler from Russian
oil districts (1937)
- Collection International geological
congress in Moscow and Leningrad, Russia, in 1937
- Standort
- This is a collection, that H.G. Kugler assembled during the
petroleum excursion after the 17th international geological congress
in Moscow, 21 to 29 July, 1937. The route was from Moscow-western
slope of Ural Mountains-the area of the Samara Bend (SmarskayaLuka)-the
Azerbaijan Sovier Republic (Azerbaijan), ancient Autonomous Soviet
Socialist Republic of Daghestan-North Caucasus; along the Georgian
Military Road to Transcaucasica (Tbilisi and its environments);
the Maikop district-Taman Peninsula-Moscow.
- The /small) collection is a stratigraphic suite of major
lithologies, some macro- and microfossils (for example with fusulinids
and Fenestella bryozoan limestones) from the Russian Carboniferous
through Quaternary discussed and illustrated in the report of
H.G. (1939). The collection contains also washed foraminiferal
residues in glass vials and fema cells from selected samples
collected during this trip.
- A copy of the paper is included with the collection, together
with the conference programme and a few contemporary documents.
- Note:
- For additional information on Russian/Crimean geology and
micropaleontology there is a copy of the XII European Micropaleontological
Colloquium Guide Book to the USSR in 1971 in the museum (Weisser Bär, room with the micropaleontological
hand-library, small shelf to the left).