to contents
Overview archives to the geological,
paleontological and micropaleontological collections of the NMB
- Introduction
- Location of geological
archive of the NMB
- Maps archive
of the NMB
- Archives to individuals:
- Archive
P. Bitterli-Brunner.
- Archive Hans
M. Bolli.
- Archive
L. Hottinger.
- Archive P. Jung.
- Archive
M. Knappertsbusch.
- Archive
H.G. Kugler.
- Archive Charles
S. Lee.
- Archive
M. Mühlberg.
- Archive
- Archive K. Rohr.
- Archive
W. Rothpletz.
- Archive
R.F. Rutsch.
- Archive
JB. Saunders.
- Archive
H. Schaub.
- Archive A. Senn: Maps,
and unpublished
private reports.
- Archive P.A.
- Archive
A. Tobler.
- Archive
Van der Vlerk.
- Archive F. Weber: Maps
- Inventory
natural resources CH (Rohstoff-Inventar CH).
- Teaching
Resources in Micropaleontology.