Archive Teaching Resources in Micropaleontology

Next to scientific collections the NMB holds materials that have been used by various specialists for teaching micropaleontology classes, including collections of diapositives, which may be useful for preparation of future classes in micropaleontology.

Manuscripts to micropaleontological lecture notes (4 boxes) of Hans M. Bolli (teaching classes at ETH in Zürich from about 1970 through 1985) are also held in the GEO ARCHIVE of NMB.


Diapositive collection of Hans M. Bolli (Plankton Stratigraphy, Microfossils in general, Paleoceanography)
47 Trays of diapositives (each with 24 slides) from micropaleontology classes of Hans M. Bolli (Introduction to micropaleontology, Plankton stratigraphy with Cretaceous through Quaternary planktonic foraminifera). Trays are numbered from 1 through 47 (encircled numbers on top right corner of each tray). Many slides are labelled through as "Bolli (Tray No, Slide No, see example on envelope for first set of trays).
Note: A selection of these were later scanned und images used for preparing powerpoint presentations. These images are stored in electronic form (tif files) on the NMB's internal media server (), using the same slide numbering scheme.
(Donated to the NMB by H.M. Bolli on 30 April 1997).
Diapositive collection of Michael Knappertsbusch (Introduction to micropaleontology, Plankton Stratigraphy, Paleoceanography)
Trays of diapositives (each with 24 slides) from micropaleo classes (Trays 1-26: Introduction to micropaleontology, plankton stratigraphy); about paleoceanography (from various brochures and reports ODP/IODP), diapositive slides from Hans M. Bolli & J. B. Saunders from onboard Glomar Challenger/Joides Resolution; and slides useful for teaching (Space & Science, NASA, VICOMED I core opening in 1987, VICOMED II on board Le Noroit, Mediterranean Sea, M. Knappertsbusch).