Rohstoff-Inventar CH - Inventory of natural resources in Switzerland

Between 1844 through 1949 numerous Swiss geologists - especially from the University of Basel - were engaged in compiling information about natural resources in Switzerland and elsewhere. This includes information of occurrence of coal, petroleum or natural gas, ores (metals), pottassium and halite (salt), water, gravel and sand, limestone or other types of rocks, and other geological expertises, many of which are deposited in the geological archive of the NMB. Next to expertises from Switzerland there are also reports from other area (European countries, Venezuela, Trinidad, Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Indonesia, Persia-Iran).
Currently (by 28 July 2022) these studies and reports comprise boxes 1 through 86, but more will certainly be added in future. The following lists (Excel & pdf) provide an overview of these studies and reports.
Download Archiv_Rohstoffe_28July22.xlsx (for PCs)
Download Archiv_Rohstoffe_28July22.pdf
Download lists as 7z archive (for PCs)