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Reference collection to Schaub, H. Benjamini, C. and Moshkovitz, S. (1995). The biostratigraphy of the Eocene of Israel. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, 117:58 p. TSL 229 (?).

Nummulite preparations, picked materials, rock specimens, etc. Every specimen is documented by a numbered photographic print, which is also illustrated in plates 1 to 12 of the publication (see film-archive of Hans Schaub).

Schaub sample-numbers included are:

89048-89055 (collected in Israel, 1989)
88100-88104 (collected in Negev, 1988)
88110-88134 (Zin section, 1988)
88137-88142 (Borot Ramalieh)
Holotypes to:
Nummulites angularis Schaub (1995)
Nummulites reissi Schaub (1995)



Some selected literature references related to this study and a geological map of Israel are deposited alongside with the collection. Consult also the raw materials collection from Israel of Hans Schaub.

1.) The C-numbers figured on the specimens are C-numbers given by Hans Schaub and are not identical to the official C-numbering system of the NMB (status by 26.9.2006).
2.) For a collection of planktic foraminifera from the Nizzana Formation, the Horsha Formation, and the Matred Formation see the study collections of H.P. Luterbacher (Maastrichtian - Paleogene sections from North Africa and Tibet).
