Collections of Ken W. Barr
About Ken Barr

1.) Reference collection to the PhD dissertation of K.W. Barr (1963), The Geology of the Toco District, Trinidad, West Indies.

Related literature (see collections of John Saunders):
Barr, K.W. and Saunders, J.B. (1968). An outline of the geology of Trinidad. Transactions of the Fourth Caribbean Geological Conference. 28th March - 12th April, 1965. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Caribbean Printers, Arima, Trinidad & Tobago, 1968.

Standort: Integrated in H.G. Kugler's Stratigraphic Collection of Trinidad. A set of field books of Ken Barr (1949-1956) is deposited in the archive room behind the room Weisser Bär W002.