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Collections of Hans Schaub:
Important publications for the documentation of the provenance of raw materials of Hans Schaub (nummulite collection):
Ferrer, J. (1971). El Paleoceno y Eoceno del borde sur-oriental de la depressiòn del Ebro (Cataluna). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 90, 70 p., 5 plates.
Lehmann, R. (1970). Early Tertiary foraminifera. Nummulites and Assilina. ESSO Production Research Company, P.O. Box 2189, Houston, Texas 77001. EPRE Private report No. EPRE-E-1 SP-70, 102 pages, 58 plates.
Luterbacher, H.P. (1970). Environmental distribution of Early Tertiary microfossils, Tremp Basin, Northeastern Spain. ESSO Production Research European Laboratories. EPRE Private report No. EPR-E-1ER-70, 48 pages, 18 plates.
Luterbacher, H.P. (1971). Paleogene microfossils from northeastern Spain. Systematic paleontology. ESSO Production Research European Laboratories. Supplement to: Environmental distribution of Early Tertiary microfossils, Tremp Basin, Northeastern Spain. EPR-E-1 ER-70. In 5 volumes: Part A, Text, p. 1-87; continuation of Part A: Text, p. 88-180; Part B: Plates 1-44; continuation of Part B: Plates 45-92; Part C: Distribution Charts.