Collections of Carl Renz
Type- and reference collections:
Reference collection to Renz, C. (1947). Neue Fossilfunde in Südtessin. Eine zusammenfassende Uebersicht über die Maestrichtienfauna der Insel Kreta. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 40(2).
The collection contains rocks from the Breggia-section and Monte Generoso with aptychids, and thin sections with beautiful calpionellids.
Reference collection to Renz, C. and Mitzopoulos, M. (1948). Le Maestrichtien aux environs de Lac Hyliki en Béotie (Grèce moyenne). Eclogae geol. Helv. 41(2):376-379, plate 14.
Two pieces of rock, from where the illustrated thin sections were taken. The corresponding thin sections contain the primary types of Hellenocyclina beotica Reichel (1949) and are deposited with the collection Reichel, M. (1949b).
Reference collection to Renz, C. and Reichel, M. (1948). Neue Foraminiferenfunde im boeotischen Seengebiet (Mittelgriechenland). Eclogae geol. Helv. 41(2):379-389, plate 15.
Four pieces of rocks with the illustrated thin sections.
Study Renz, C. and Reichel, M. (1949). Neue Fossilfunde in Griechenland und Vorderasien. Eclogae geol. Helv. 42(2):557-573, 1 plate. The materials to this study are deposited together with the collection of Renz, C. and Reichel, M. (1948).