Holotype and paratypes to Crudeli and Kinkel (2004): Reticulofenestra calicis n. sp., an unusual small reticulofenestrid coccolith from the Lower Pliocene of the South Caribbean Sea. TSL 423.


Reticulofenestra calicis Crudeli and Kinkel (2004)
Holotype: NMB C39011, Micropaleontology 50(4): Page 377, Plate 2, Fig. 1.
Paratypes: NMB C39012, Micropaleontology 50(4): Page 375, Plate 1, Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, p. 377, plate 2, Figs. 2, 3, 4.
The collection contains, next to photographic prints, two SEM stubs, containing the holotype and a paratype:
Stub 218: R. calicis n.sp., holotype (Crudeli and Kinkel, 2004, plate 2, Fig. 1, NMB C39011).
Stub 203: R. calicis n.sp., paratype (Crudeli and Kinkel, 2004, plate 2, Fig. 5, NMB C39012).