Schaub, H. (1967a). Nummulites und Assilina im Becken von Tremp. Unpublished atlas, 35 pages of text, with 24 plates with original photographic prints, 1 text figure, and 3 stratigraphic range charts.

This hardcover bound atlas was found in the collections of Hans Schaub, but was not deposited together with a selected collection of specimens. The atlas is an early summary of nummulite and assilina species - some of which were new at that time - and which in part were folded into later publications of Schaub (for example in Schaub, H. 1981).

All described and illustrated specimens were collected in 1967 from various localities (e.g., Alsina, Arèn, Tremp, Sant Esteve de la Sarga, Llimiana, Sant Adria, Ager). Next to the field numbers, all figured specimens are ssigned with a C-number (=the NMB's own numbering system). The described and illustrated specimens are scattered throughout the various categories of collections from Hans Schaub, e.g. the type- and reference collection to Schaub (1981), and the various parts of the study and research material collection of Hans Schaub.

For specific information about the Tremp section refer to Hottinger (1960), Hottinger and Schaub (1960), Schaub (1969), Kapellos and Schaub (1973), and Schaub (1981).

Because Hans Schaub's subcollections are frequently (not always) arranged according to geographic areas, and for easier localization of the illustrated specimens, a list was prepared containing the names of the figured species in Schaub (1967), their plate and figure numbers, and the corresponding field numbers.