Reference collection to the dissertation of Kleiber, G.W. (1991). Nummuliten der paläogenen Tethys in Axialschnitten. Tübinger Mikropaläontologische Mitteilungen, No. 9, 161 pages. SLG 98.
This is a collection of axial nummulite preparations preserved in epoxy resin and axial thin sections. A list of axial sections (Belegmaterial), a sample preparation protocol and photographic prints of nummulites are included as well. The nummulites were selected from the nummulite collection of Hans Schaub. In the publication the C-numbering system of Hans Schaub's nummulites are indicated, together with the sample number on the epoxy blocs.
Also deposited is a copy of the diploma thesis of Kleiber, G.W. (1984) and a collection of selected rock samples to the sudy, that were previously in the collections of Hans Schaub (but this is not a reference collection to this study).