Collections of Peter H. Roth
- "Type" collection
to Roth,
P.H. (1968). Calcareous nannoplankton zonation of Oligocene
sections in Alabama (U.S.A.), on the islands of Trinidad and
Barbados (W.I.), and the Blake Plateau (E coast of Florida, U.S.A.).
Eclogae geol. Helv. 61(2):459-465.
- This is a collection of diapositive slides ("type-slides")
in two boxes, illustrating the new and other species in SEM micrographs.
No sediment material has been deposited.
- New coccolith species:
- Cyclococcolithus bollii Roth (1968)
- Hayella elegans Roth (1968)
- Standort
- "Type" collection
to Roth,
P.H. (1970). Oligocene nannoplankton biostratigraphy.
Eclogae geol. Helv. 63(3):799-881.
- This is a collection of electron microscope photographic
negatives (diapositives) of holotypes, paratypes, and hypotypes
discussed and illustrated in this paper, in two boxes, including
samples numbers A808 through A893. No sediment material and no
carbon replica samples are deposited.
- New coccolith species or redescribed taxa:
- Some explanations for the below listed types:
- In accordance with standard practice for carbon replicas,
the holotypes, paratypes, and hypotypes of species are . . .
electron microscope photographic negatives (cit. Roth, 1970).
The numbering system is organized as follows:
- The first number after the species indicates the sample number
(for example IMS-A 809 004. Sample numbers beginning with JS
are samples collected by John B. Saunders (example: JS 1847 301
comes from sample JS 1847, with Peter Roth's own negative number
301). Sample numbers containing Bo are samples from Hans Bolli
(IMS-Bo 291 A 458 is thus from sample Bo 291A, with Peter Roth's
negative 458).
- The second number indicated in brackets [ ] are the type
negative numbers at NMB indicated on the diapositives. Example:
[A808] is the NMB type negative number to Coccolithus crater
Roth (1970); IMS-A 809 004 [A808].
- Coccolithus crater Roth (1970); IMS-A 809 004 [A808]
- Holotypus.
- Coccolithus primalis Roth (1970); IMS-J 506 377 [A809]
- Holotypus.
- Coccolithus tritus Roth (1970); IMS-A 604 225 [A810]
- Holotypus.
- Ericsonia bireticulata Roth (1970); JS 1847 301 [A811]
- Holotypus.
- Ericsonia bireticulata Roth (1970); JS 1847 026 [A812]
- Paratypus.
- Ericsonia fenestrata (Deflandre & Fert) Stradner;
JS 1847 624 [A813] - Hypotypus.
- Ericsonia pauciperforata Roth (1970); IMS A 608 157
[A814] - Holotypus.
- Ericsonia quadriperforata Roth (1970); IMS J 515 234
[A815] - Holotypus.
- Ericsonia subdisticha (Roth & Hay) Roth (1969);
IMS J 515 374 [A816] - Hypotypus.
- Ericsonia subdisticha (Roth & Hay) Roth (1969);
IMS N 1241 [A817] - Hypotypus.
- Cruciplacolithus flavius Roth (1970); IMS-J 504 107
[A818] - Holotypus.
- Cruciplacolithus flavius Roth (1970); IMS-J 503 229
[A819] - Paratypus.
- Cruciplacolithus quader Roth (1970); IMS 504 101 [A820]
- Holotypus.
- Sollasites tardus Roth (1970); IMS-J 505 427 [A821]
- Holotypus.
- Sollasites tardus Roth (1970); IMS-J 510 471 [A822]
- Paratypus.
- Reticulofenestra alabamensis Roth (1970); IMS-A 600
360 [A823] - Holotypus.
- Reticulofenestra alabamensis Roth (1970); IMS-A 600
257 [A824] - Paratypus.
- Reticulofenestra biseceta (Hay, Mohler & Wade)
n. comb.; IMS J-397-12-7 [A825] - Hypotypus.
- Reticulofenestra danica (Black) n. comb.; IMS J 512
389 [A826] - Hypotypus.
- Reticulofenestra gabrielae Roth (1970); IMS-A 613
010 [A827] - Holotypus.
- Reticulofenestra hesslandii (Haq) n. comb.; IMS A
815 110 [A828] - Hypotypus.
- Reticulofenestra hesslandii (Haq) n. comb.; IMS A
600 407 [A829] - Hypotypus.
- Reticulofenestra hesslandii (Haq) n. comb.; IMS A
600 470 [A830] - Hypotypus.
- Reticulofenestra inclinata Roth (1970); IMS-J 503
480 [A831] - Holotypus.
- Reticulofenestra laevis Roth & Hay; IMS A 100
280 [A832] - Hypotypus.
- Reticulofenestra minuta Roth (1970); IMS-A 610 130
[A833] - Holotypus.
- Reticulofenestra minuta Roth (1970); IMS-J 504 136
[A834] - Paratypus.
- Reticulofenestra pectinata Roth (1970); IMS-A 613
664 [A835] - Holotypus.
- Cyclococcolithus arabellus Roth (1970); IMS-A 613
443 [A836] - Holotypus.
- Cyclococcolithus arabellus Roth (1970); IMS-J 507
264 [A837] - Paratypus.
- Cyclococcolithus ciperoensis Roth (1970); ETH-291A-399
[A838] - Holotypus.
- Cyclococcolithus ciperoensis Roth (1970); ETH-291A-510
[A839] - Paratypus.
- Cyclococcolithus floridanus (Roth & Hay) n. comb.;
IMS J3-397-12-11 [A840] - Hypotypus.
- Cyclococcolithus lunulus Roth (1970); IMS-J 518 099
[A841] - Holotypus.
- Cyclococcolithus kingi Roth (1970); IMS-A 815 022
[A842] - Holotypus.
- Cyclococcolithus kingi Roth (1970); IMS-A 606 025
[A843] - Paratypus.
- Iselithina fusa Roth (1970); IMS-A 608 372 [A844]
- Holotypus.
- Iselithina fusa Roth (1970); IMS-A 600 162 [A845]
- Paratypus.
- Coronocyclus serratus Hay, Mohler & Wade; IMS
J3-422 20-11 [A846] - Hypotypus.
- Rhabdosphaera vitrea (Deflandre); IMS A 600 269 [A847]
- Hypotypus.
- Rhabdosphaera vitrea (Deflandre); IMS A 608 189 [A848]
- Hypotypus.
- Blackites amplus Roth & Hay; IMS J 503 189 [A849]
- Hypotypus.
- Blackites incompertus Roth (1970); IMS-A 610 358 [A850]
- Holotypus.
- Blackites incompertus Roth (1970); IMS-A 610 105 [A851]
- Paratypus.
- Blackites incompertus Roth (1970); IMS-A 610 266 [A852]
- Paratypus.
- Blackites spinulus Levin n. comb.; IMS-A 600 271 [A853]
- Hypotypus.
- Bramletteius variabilis Roth (1970); IMS-A 608 432
[A854] - Holotypus.
- Bramletteius variabilis Roth (1970); IMS-A 608 420
[A855] - Paratypus.
- Pontosphaera alta Roth (1970); IMS-A 613 138 [A856]
- Holotypus.
- Pontosphaera alta Roth (1970); IMS-A 613 386 [A857]
- Paratypus.
- Pontosphaera crucifera Roth (1970); IMS-A 613 652
[A858] - Holotypus.
- Pontosphaera crucifera Roth (1970); IMS-A 613 643
[A859] - Paratypus.
- Pontosphaera rigida Roth (1970); IMS-JS 1847 445 [A860]
- Holotypus.
- Pontosphaera rigida Roth (1970); IMS-JS 1847 576 [A861]
- Paratypus.
- Helicopontosphaera compacta (Bramlette & Wilcoxon)
n. comb.; IMS-JS 1847 490 [A862] - Hypotypus.
- Helicopontosphaera compacta (Bramlette & Wilcoxon)
n. comb.; IMS-JS 1847 502 [A863] - Hypotypus.
- Helicopontosphaera intermedia (Martini) n. comb.;
IMS-JS 20 462 [A864] - Hypotypus.
- Helicopontosphaera reticulata (Bramlette & Wilcoxon)
n. comb.; IMS-JS 1066 047 [A865] - Hypotypus.
- Helicopontosphaera truncata (Bramlette & Wilcoxon)
n. comb.; IMS-JS 20 008 [A866] - Hypotypus.
- Cepekiella elongata Roth (1970); IMS-A 613 574 [A867]
- Holotypus.
- Cepekiella elongata Roth (1970); ETH-68-60-806 [A868]
- Paratypus.
- Cepekiella hayi (Stradner) n. comb.; ETH-68-70-855
[A869] - Hypotypus.
- Discoturbella moori Roth (1970); IMS-A 608 297 [A870]
- Holotypus.
- Zygosphaera brytika Roth (1970); IMS-A 608 014 [A871]
- Holotypus.
- Holodiscolithus macroporus (Deflandre) n. comb.; IMS-A
600 088 [A872] - Hypotypus.
- Holodiscolithus solidus (Deflandre) n. comb.; IMS-A
608 343 [A873] - Hypotypus.
- Clathrolithus minutus Bramlette & Sullivan; IMS-A
809 098 [A874] - Hypotypus.
- Discoaster rufus Roth (1970); IMS-J3-397-7-6 [A875]
- Holotypus.
- Discoaster tani nodifer Bramlette & Riedel; IMS-A
800 046 [A876] - Hypotypus.
- Discoaster trinus Stradner; IMS-J3-494-9-1 [A877]
- Hypotypus.
- Discoaster woodringi Bramlette & Riedel; IMS-J
301 005 [A878] - Hypotypus.
- Lithostromation perdurum Deflandre; IMS-J 509 209
[A879] - Hypotypus.
- Lithostromation perdurum Deflandre; IMS-J 800 072
[A880] - Hypotypus.
- Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus Martini; IMS-Bo 291 A
458 [A881] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus belemnos Bramlette & Wilcoxon; IMS-J3-270-18-8
[A882] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus belemnos Bramlette & Wilcoxon; IMS-JS-267*083
[A883] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus ciperoensis Bramlette & Wilcoxon;
IMS-J3-306-16-7 [A884] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus ciperoensis Bramlette & Wilcoxon;
IMS-J3-270-18-2 [A885] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus ciperoensis Bramlette & Wilcoxon;
IMS-JS-267*070 [A886] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus distentus (Martini) Bramlette & Wilcoxon;
IMS-J3-397-13-5 [A887] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus distentus (Martini) Bramlette & Wilcoxon;
IMS-J3-422-10-10 [A888] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus moriformis (Brönnimann & Stradner)
Bramlette & Wilcoxon; IMS-J3-475-11-1 [A889] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus moriformis (Brönnimann & Stradner)
Bramlette & Wilcoxon; IMS-J3-381-20-5 [A890] - Hypotypus.
- Sphenolithus tribulosus Roth (1970); IMS-A 608 504
[A891] - Holotypus.
- Sphenolithus tribulosus Roth (1970); IMS-A 613-L001
A+B [A892] - Paratypus.
- Standort
- Type collection to Roth, P.H. and Thierstein, H.R. (1972).
Calcareous nannoplankton: Leg 14 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project.
Init. Rep. DSDP, 14:421-485.
- A collection of selected, gold coated smearslide preparations
(type slides), and SEM negatives with explanations (see deposited
folder to the collections Thierstein, H.R. (1971 and 1973) )
to the illustrated new species.
- There is also bulk raw type nannoplankton material of sediments,
which is deposited with the collections of Thierstein, H.R. (1971
and 1973):
- DSDP Leg 14-135-9-2, 21cm
- DSDP Leg 14-135-9-2, 69cm
- DSDP Leg 14-136-8-2, 142cm
- DSDP Leg 14-137-16-3, 94cm
- DSDP Leg 14-137-14-2, 132cm
- DSDP Leg 14-144-4-1, top
- DSDP Leg 14-144A-5-1, 125cm
- New species:
- Gartnerago diversum Roth and Thierstein (1972)
- Tegumentum stradneri Roth and Thierstein (1972)
- Standort