Raw material collection of Christos Kapellos



Collection of unprocessed bulk sediments to the publication of Kapellos (1973). Biostratigraphie des Gurnigelflysches mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nummuliten und des Nannoplanktons, unter Einbeziehung des paläogenen Nannoplanktons der Krim (UDSSR). Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen, vol. 96, 127 p., 49 plates. TSL 377.

Materials to sections Rotenbach, Zollhaus, Seligraben, Sus Cressin, Steinbruch Falli, Höllbach, Le Bigîte and Schwarzsee outcrops.





Collection of unprocessed bulk sediments to the publication of Kapellos and Schaub (1973). Zur Korrelation von Biozonierungen mit Grossforaminiferen und Nannoplankton im Paläogen der Pyrenäen. Eclogae geol. Helv. 66(3):687-737. Campo, Tremp, Fabas, Clay pit of Gan. See also locality map with CK field numbers alongside to the raw material collection, a copy of them is also enclosed with the publication.





Collection of unprocessed bulk sediments collected by Christos Kapellos and Peter Jung in 1972 and by Kapellos in 1973 from the Pyreneans (Graus, Coustouge, Aragon, coupe Cerizols (Fabas), and from the type locality of Alveolina moussoulensis. See also locality map with CK field numbers alongside to the raw material collection, a copy of them is also enclosed with the publication Kapellos and Schaub (1973).
