Citation of data: Measurements of protoconch diameters are free to use. If you use these data, however, please cite them as: "Less, G. (1996). Measurements of protoconch diameters in A-forms of nummulites and assilina of the Schaub collection. Supplementary information to the Hans Schaub (1981) collection of Tethyan nummulites. Data prepared by G. Less, Budapest, Hungary. Deposited at the Natural History Museum Basel. Switzerland, under". Explanations by Gioergy Less: The SCHAU.txt consists of the primary measurements of the protoconch diameters (measured perpendicullary to the axis of the embryon and between the inner sides of the wall) in micron of the A-forms of the Nummulites (N.) and Assilinae (A.) of the Schaub-collection. In the first column one can find the name of the taxon as it was given by Schaub. The locality and Schaub's (SCH) sample-number in the second and third columns are the same as they can be found in Schaub's monograph. The inventory number (C) in the fourth column is of the Naturhistorisches Museum. The use of the fifth to fourteenth columns depends on the content of this fourth column. When there is only one single number in it (e.g. 5805), the measurements in the fifth to forteenth columns refer to the specimens marked by Schaub as e.g. C5805/1 to C5805/10, respectively. The same system can be used if there is a "/" mark after the inventory mark in the fourth column and after this mark there is a series of numbers (e.g. 8787/11-20). The "a" to "j" letters in the 5-14. columns have to be used in all the other cases. E.g. if in the 4. column the inventory number is 7655/-, the measurements in the 5-14. columns refer to the specimens marked as C7655/a, C7655/b, etc. The same system must be used there is only one single number after the "/" mark in the 4. column (e.g. 7544/3). In this case the measurements in the 5-14. columns refer to the specimens marked as C7544/3a, C7544/3b, etc. I hope very much that it is not too complicated. If somebody will use these measurements in the collection he will understand it for sure. The rows are subdivided by four types of lines. The thinnest lines subdivide the measurements inside one inventory group. Medium lines subdivide populations within the same taxon, double medium lines subdivide the taxa inside the same evolutionary lineage (as they are defined by Schaub) and the thickest lines subdivide the evolutionary lineages. The SCAU1.txt file consists of the normal statistical data of the populations (population in this case means a distinguishable combination of Schaub's taxon names and sample (SCH) numbers). The first three columns are self-evident. In the fourth column there is the number of the specimens, then the minimal, maximal and median value of the measurements. The mean in the 8. column means the arthmetical mean, the s.d. in the 9. column means the population standard deviation, and the 10. column is the coefficient of variation in % (=s.d./mean). From the 11. column there are the individual measurements that belong to the given population. They can be found only in the file but not printed into the hard copy. All the data (with the exclusion of the 4. and 10. columns) are in microns. In the rows population belonging to the same taxon are subdivided by thin lines, different taxa within the same evolutionary lineage are subdivided by medium lines, different evolutionary lineages within the same genus are subdivided by double medium lines, while there is a thick line between Nummulites and Assilina.