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Lista unit 16, Drawer No Title Remarks Legacy of
1601 Geological maps Trinidad (Kugler) Treatise on the geology of Trinidad, part 3 H.G. Kugler
1602 Trinidad, cadastral sheets Cadastral sheets of Trinidad. Sample localities of H.G. Kugler and J.B. Saunders. H.G. Kugler, sampling locations
1603 Compiled geol. maps & sections Trinidad (Kugler,1959) Topo & geol. maps & sections, transparencies. H.G. Kugler, J.B. Saunders, sampling locations
1604 Trinidad: Cretaceous & Northern Range Saunders, J.B. (1971, unpubl.) maps and sections. J.B. Saunders, unpublished
1605 Archive H.G. Kugler/Trinidad/Geol. & topogr. maps Treatise on the geology of Trinidad, part 3, detailed maps and sections, maps with sampling sites. H.G. Kugler, J.B. Saunders, sampling locations
1606 Geological maps Babados Maps, aerial photo, panoramas J. B. Saunders, sampling and well locations
1607 Gelogical maps: Lesser Antilles, Jamaica Grenada, etc, Boocoo Reef-Tobago, "wooden map". J.B. Saunders, sampling locations
1608 Geological maps: Grenada, Jamaica, a.o. Maps Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Carriacou. J.B. Saunders, sampling locations
1609 Geological maps: Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Geological & tectonic maps Caribbean. J.B. Saunders, preparatory surveys DSDP Leg 15
1610 Geological maps Venezuela Maps relating to Kugler Archive/Venezuela. H.G. Kugler
1611 Kugler, H.G. (1996). Treatise on the Geology of Trinidad, Part 3. 23 transparency sheets of detailed geological Maps and sections. H.G. Kugler, J.B. Saunders
1612 Earth photographs, lunar landing Apollo 8

J.B. Saunders