Lista unit 14, Drawer No Title Remarks Legacy of
1401 Venezuela Geological maps H.G. Kugler and A. Senn
1402 South America, Central America, Caribbean Geologigal, seismic, gravimetric, topographic maps

1403 Mexico, Nicaragua, Brazil Topographic maps

1404 Venezuela


1405 Ecuador, Columbia Geological, bathymetric maps

1406 Panama Geological, topographic maps Sampling locations P. Jung
1407 Costa Rica Topographic maps Sampling locations P. Jung (?)
1408 Dominican Republic, Haiti Geological maps J.B. Saunders
1409 Cuba, Cayman Islands Geological, topographic maps

1410 Jamaica Geological, topographic maps Sampling locations P. Jung
1411 Lesser Antilles: St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Antigua, Montserrat Geolocal, topographic maps

1412 French Antilles: Martinique, Gouadeloupe, St. Barthélémy Geological, topographic maps Archive A. Senn